Vaibidang (Embelia ribes): A Potential Herbal Drug in Ayurveda with Anthelmintic Property
Vaibidang, Embelia ribes, Anthelmintic, Rasapanchak, AyurvedaAbstract
Embelia ribes is commonly known as vaibidang or false black pepper is a significant medicinal plant that belongs to the family Myrsinaceae. The ancient Ayurveda physician, Sushruta described that the fruit of E. ribes plant possesses anthelmintic property and is used as a tonic along with the licorice root, which prevents aging and helps in strengthening the body. The fruit of the plant is used in various ayurvedic formulations where it is used as a carminative, anthelmintic, alterative and as stimulant. Due to the overexploitation of the plant, it is considered a threatened medicinal plant. Traditionally, the plant is used as an analgesic, antibacterial, antipyretic, antifertility and anthelmintic agent. Various parts of the plant like roots, berries and leaves of E. ribes plant are used in different herbal formulations. In Ayurveda, it is used to cure skin diseases, abdominal pains, flatulence, worms, mental disorders, tumors, bronchitis, jaundice, cardio disorders and is used as a brain tonic. Embelin is considered as the major chemical constituent isolated from the Embelia ribes plant. In this review, a brief view of the plant is briefly described related to its ayurvedic and folk uses. The reported pharmacological properties of the plant are also defined.
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