Citraka (Plumbago zeylanica): A Potential Rejuvenator
Chitraka, Anticancer, Ayurveda, Rejuvenator, Pharmacological propertyAbstract
Plumbago zeylanica is also known as chitraka, doctor bush, or leadwort. It is the most popular herbal plant that belongs to the family Plumbaginaceae or leadwort. Plumbagin is the most important chemical constituent present in the roots, leaves and stem of the plant that is responsible for various pharmacological actions including anti-malarial, anti-obese, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer. Traditionally it is used to treat variety of diseases such as dysmenorrhea, leprosy, anemia, rheumatic pain, cold, cough, arthritis and many more. It is considered as the most significant herbal plant in the ayurveda medicinal system of India and is widely accepted as a rejuvenator because of the presence of bioactive compounds. Various formulations of chitraka plant have made this plant more effective in the field of medicine. The plant carries various therapeutic properties and acts as a cardiotonic, neuroprotective and cns stimulant. The review aim is to provide data or information related to chitraka plant its usage in traditional and ayurveda medicinal system, its pharmacological properties and toxicity when taken in excessive amount. From the collected data, it is clear that the plant has great potential to cure various diseases and needs more research and development to explore its more pharmacological properties and socio-economic impact.
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