Kasani beej (Cichorium intybus): Ayurvedic View, Folk View, Phytochemistry and Modern Therapeutic Uses
Chicory, Hepatoprotective, Antidiabetic, Rasapanchak, AyurvedaAbstract
Cichorium intybus is commonly known as Chicory, kasani. It is a recognized medicinal plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. This plant is a well-known traditional herb used in various medicinal systems like Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha medicinal system to treat variety of diseases ranging from wounds to diabetes. The species is native to the European region (Mediterranean region) but can also grow in the temperate and semi-arid regions. The juice extracted from this plant is used as a traditional remedy to cure uterus cancer and tumors. The plant is well-known for its roots that are used as an additive in coffee as it provides bitterness in taste without the caffeine. It is also reported that the roots of the plant contain 40% inulin and acts as an anti-diabetic agent. Historically, the plant was cultivated by ancient Egyptians as a medicinal plant, vegetable crop, coffee substitute and also used as animal forage. Cichorium intybus contains various phytochemical constituents mainly sesquiterpene lactones, caffeic acid derivatives, inulin flavonoids, alkaloids, phenols, steroids terpenoids and many more. The reported pharmacological properties of the C. intybus plant include hepatoprotective, anti-diabetic, anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cardiovascular, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, antimalarial, anti-allergic and gastroprotective activities. In this review article, the medicinal and ayurvedic importance of C. intybus plant along with its phytochemicals are briefly explained.
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