Pre-Breeding Concept and Role in Crop Improvement
pre-breeding, genetic base, novel techniquesAbstract
Genetic diversity is the foundation for the sustainable development of new varieties for present and future challenges which arises due to the various biotic and abiotic stresses. Pre-breeding offer unique opportunity to exploit genetic diversity by transferring desirable trait/genes from wild crop relatives into cultivated background using different novel techniques. Pre-breeding includes all activities of plant breeding research that precede the stages involved in cultivar development, testing and release. Current limited genetic base, expansion of genetically uniform modern variety, effect of climate change (better adapted gene require) and Evolving pest and pathogen populations (require new gene of resistance) are the reason to look for pre-breeding. The characterization of landraces/accession, creating new base population, creating polyploidy, developing new breeding techniques, wide cross and creating double haploids are among the pre-breeding activities that enables to change germplasm to immediate use in ordinary breeding program. Generally, though pre-breeding adopting face various challenges, there are also a number opportunities to exploit the pre-breeding advantage.
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