Genetic Analysis and Hybrid Performance for Yield and Yield Related Traits in Diallel Crosses of Mid-Altitude Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines
General combining ability, specific combining ability, diallel mating, grain yieldAbstract
This study was initiated with the objectives of estimating combing ability and hybrid performance of selected conventional maize inbred lines. Ten elite inbred lines were selected based on over per se performances. The crosses were done in a 10 x 10 half-diallel mating design to produce 45 f1 single crosses hybrids during 2016. The experiment was conducted at bako national maize research center in 2017 main season by using alpha lattice design. The traits which were studied showed highly significant genotypic differences in all traits, indicating the existence of genetic diversities among genotypes. Genetic analysis showed; significant mean squares due to gca for all traits under the study and sca for most traits was observed. The inbred lines l4 and l5 were good general combiners for grain yield. Crosses l1 x l4 and l7 x l9 for grain, l1 x l4, l1 x l5 and l7x l9 for 1000 kernel weight, l1 x l10 and l2x l8 for shelling percentage exhibited significant sca effects in desired direction.
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