Application Techniques of Molecular Marker and Achievement of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in Three Major Crops Rice, Wheat and Maize
Molecular Markers, Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), Crop ImprovementAbstract
With the discovery of new genetic technology, the researcher focuses on using DNA molecular markers to improve new varieties worldwide. Such as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and enhancing quality and quantity at different plant breeding fields. Conventional breeding selection is based on phenotype data selection, time-consuming, and has a high chance of linkage drag. Thus, DNA molecular marker method usage is faster, easy, and not expensive than conventional breeding programs. This review focused on applying molecular markers such as genetic diversity analysis, the genotype of identification and fingerprinting, gene tagging and mapping, QTL analysis, and marker-assisted selection. In another part of this review, we focused on MAS's achievements related to improving agronomic traits, quality traits, and biotic/abiotic stresses for three major cereal crops like Wheat, Rice, and Maize.
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