Hormonal and Hematological Imbalance and Female Infertility
PCOS, Leptin, Inhibin-B, SHBG, PAI-1Abstract
Poly cystic ovary synrdome (PCOS) is a common endocrinological disorder among women of the reproductive stage. The current study was conducted to evaluate some hormonal and hematological alterations in patients with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), BMI or the body mass index was determined for all women, serum hormones (SHBG), Estradiol, DHEAs, Leptin, Inhibin-B, were measured, and hematological changes include PAI-1 activity, fibrinogen and t-PA antigen also measured. The results of the present study showed, there were significant increase (p<0.05) in BM, DHEAs, Leptin, Inhibin-B, PAI-1, fibrinogen and t-PA antigen in PCOS women compared with the control group, but a significant decrease (p>0.05) in SHBG and E2
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