Association of Phenotypic Distance with Heterosis for Grain Yield and Clustering of Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines
Association, Clustering, Grain yield, Phenotypic distanceAbstract
The experiment was conducted at Bako National Maize Research Center during 2017 main cropping season with the objective of investigating the association of phenotypic distance with heterosis for grain yield and clustering of maize inbred lines. Forty-five F1 maize hybrids were generated in half diallel mating design using ten conventional maize inbred lines were used for the study. Four genetic parameters were used for the study viz., phenotypic distance, mid, better and standard heterosis. Seventeen quantitative traits were collected from inbred lines and the standardized values of all traits were used to compute phenotypic distance. The distance matrix from phenotypic traits was used to construct dendrograms based on the Unweighted Pair-group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA). The result of cluster analysis is presented in the form of a Dendrogram. In addition, mean ED was calculated for each parental line by averaging of a particular parent to the other nine inbred lines. The calculated average distance (ED) was used to estimate which inbred line is closest or distant relative to others. Computation of heterosis for grain yield was done as a result of significant revealed in analysis of variance and subjected to be associated with phenotypic distance.
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