A Pilot Study of Six Factors Composite Physical Fitness Test on School Going Boys


  • Mr. Abhinav Kushwaha IGIPESS, Vikaspuri, University of Delhi, New Delhi, INDIA
  • Dr. Dharmender Kumar Assistant Professor, IGIPESS, Vikaspuri, University of Delhi, New Delhi, INDIA
  • Dr. Meenakshi Assistant Professor, IGIPESS, Vikaspuri, University of Delhi, New Delhi, INDIA


physical fitness, descriptive statistics, t-test, significance


Objective of study was to assess data the six factors composite physical fitness test on school going boy’s students.

Methods for the study, 100 boys were randomly selected from govt. school of Delhi govt. at age ranging from 15 to 18 years.  The study was conducted by using six factors composite physical test. Descriptive statistics was employed to find out the results of the study.  Physical fitness was measured with the best timing was rated in seconds.

Results the result depicted in Descriptive Statistics of boys at school level” indicates the mean, confidence interval, skewness, kurtosis, range and standard deviation. The lower bound shows the true significance and significance correction and through Q-Q plot the (graphical presentation) to values in normal distribution to evident in found the selected physical fitness test for 100 school going boys were Mean- 40.3072/39.0291, Std. Deviation-2.51278/2.78882, Std. Error Mean- 2.5128/2.7888 respectively. That paired correlation is .56. There is an average value of test score and Significant at 0.05 level of significance. The Table no.-5 to indicate paired differences of variable being tested and order the subtraction was found out. The standard error 0.24799 and computing both the test statistic and the upper and lower bounds of 95%confidence interval. The depicts value of the paired sample t- test of boys which was found to be statistically significantly at 0.05 level of significance.


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How to Cite

Mr. Abhinav Kushwaha, Dr. Dharmender Kumar, & Dr. Meenakshi. (2021). A Pilot Study of Six Factors Composite Physical Fitness Test on School Going Boys. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 8(2), 254–258. Retrieved from https://ijrasb.com/index.php/ijrasb/article/view/77


