In Vitro Micropropagation of Lilium candidum Bulb by Application of Multiple Hormone Concentrations Using Plant Tissue Culture Technique
Micropropagation, Lilium bulb, Lilium candidum, medicinal plant, therapeutic, standardization of growth regulatorsAbstract
The multiplication efficacy by bulb is low and the plantlets are more susceptible to disease, therefore, there is a need to develop a protocol for its propagation. Lilium candidum is listed in the saitma prefecture Red Data Book as a critically endangered plant and rescuing information regarding its micro-propagation is rather limited. On this regard, the application of in vitro micropropagtion procedure might help to obtain large numbers of uniform plants of endangered species of Lilium. Dried lilies are a rich source of fiber and also rich in sodium and carbs. Lily bulbs have proteins and starch and also small quantities of iron, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin B1, B2, C. The health benefits of the lily for the heart are well known on account of the active cardiac glycosides as well as the flavonoids which tend to stimulate the arteries and can cause them to dilute. Another one of the therapeutic uses of the lily flower is in the case of treating burns and preventing the formation of scar tissue. One of the main health benefits of the lily flower is that it helps regulating the heart rate there by allowing the heart to function more efficiently and regular. Having multiple medicinal properties we decided to cultivate Lilium candidum using plant tissue culture so farming can be increased using this cost efficient techniques. In this research, we have studied various Effect of different concentration of BAP and NAA on the initiation of Lilium candidum from bulb and IBA, IAA and NAA on the rooting of shoots of Lilium Candidum.
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