Mobile Physics as Innovation to Reinvigorating Active Engagement and Learning Dynamics of Grade 11 Learners on Uniform Accelerated Motion
active engagement, learning dynamics, innovation and mobile physics, uniform accelerated motionAbstract
Physics phenomena are widely viewed in daily life, and the technical nature of physics makes modern life seem to be simpler than it was many years ago. Physics teaching and learning, on the other hand, has not always been done effectively, especially in developing countries. This study aimed measured the effectiveness using mobile physics on students’ reinvigorating active engagement and learning dynamics on teaching uniform accelerated motion. The study employed the one-group pretest–posttest design. The design compared the result obtained from researcher – made - pretest and posttest and adapted science engagement scales. The study revealed that mobile physics as innovation had a positive effect on the learning dynamic of the learners, as evidenced by the significantly greater mean in the posttest. The data showed that there is significant difference in the pretest and posttest score of students in the utilization of mobile physics on teaching uniform accelerated motion. It is also evident that learners highly have engagement during the innovation on teaching uniform accelerated motion. Future utilization of this mobile physics as an innovation would raise learners’ active engagement and learning dynamics in teaching physics concepts.
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