Cole Crops Disease Management Approaches Practiced by Farmers and its Impact on their Health: A Case Study of Nala, Kavre District of Nepal


  • Suman Sharma Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, NEPAL
  • Santosh Shrestha Agricultural Technology Center (ATC), Lalitpur, NEPAL
  • Sudip Poudel Himalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (HICAST), Kathmandu, NEPAL
  • Dr. Ram Devi Timila Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Khumaltar, NEPAL


- cole crops, conventional, health issue, IPM, Kavre


A case study was conducted at Nala, Kavre district to assess the present cultivation and disease management status in cole crops in the year 2019 with use of semi-structured questionnaire among the local farmers. It was found that majority of respondent cultivated cole crops seasonally and faced five major disease problem in it namely: stalk root (Sclerotina sclerotiorum), Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicicola), damping off (Pythium sp.), root rot (Rhizoctonia solani) and club root (Plasmodiophora brassicae). For management of those diseases, 83% respondent used conventional method of disease management i.e. chemical fungicides and insecticides. But the methods of management of disease was found significant with IPM training and awareness on biological approaches they have heard or related program attained. Almost 40% respondent had practices IPM packages of pest control based on training they have received and 33% has practiced based on the awareness program they have received. Also female guided farming has more probability to adapt IPM tools to minimize effect of pesticides and cooperatives had also played major role in mass communicating benefits of IPM. With 83% conventional management practicing farmers, they reported to face piles of immediate and chronic health issues due to continuous pesticidal use. Eye irritation (16.9%), skin problems (21.4%), headache (10.7%), respiratory problems (7.1%), and vomiting (5.3%), and chronically cancer (27.7%) was reported in the area due to prolonged and hazardous use of pesticides in conventional practices as per the respondents.


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their Management’, (00229-139-2014/2015).




How to Cite

Suman Sharma, Santosh Shrestha, Sudip Poudel, & Dr. Ram Devi Timila. (2021). Cole Crops Disease Management Approaches Practiced by Farmers and its Impact on their Health: A Case Study of Nala, Kavre District of Nepal. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 8(2), 156–161. Retrieved from


