Possibility of Using Types of Filamentous Fungi in The Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Evaluating Its Efficiency
filamentous fungi, wastewater, domestic wastewaterAbstract
The current study was conducted to show the extent to which filamentous fungi can be used as a step in the biological treatment stage of Domestic wastewater and to evaluate its efficiency in removing and reducing pollutants in this water and improving its quality. Three types of filamentous fungi Penicillium, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terrus were used for the purpose of using them in biological treatment , the study included conducting some physical and chemical tests for domestic wastewater before and after treatment, as the results of the study showed the ability of Penicillium mushrooms to reduce the electrical conductivity value of water after treatment to 950 micro siemens/cm, with a percentage of 8% and the value of nitrite to 0.91 mg/liter with percentage of 93%, and the value of phosphate to 0.014 mg/liter, with percentage of 98%. While the fungus Aspergillus terrus showed the ability to reduce the conductivity value to 990 μs/cm, with percentage of 5%, nitrite value to 0.039 mg/l with a percentage of 97%, and the value of phosphate to 0.005 mg/l, with percentage of 99%. The study also showed the ability of the fungus Aspergillus flavus to reduce the value of electrical conductivity to 1014 μS/cm with a Apercentage of 2%, while the mushroom showed the ability to reduce the value of nitrite.030 mg/liter with Apercentage of 98%, and the value of phosphate in treated water to 0.005 mg/liter with a percentageof 99%.
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