Study of Interaction of Loamy Soil with Salts of Heavy Metals in Assessment of Groundwater Contamination
Environment, Groundwater, Loamy Soil, Heavy MetalsAbstract
A major environmental problem is the risk of metal pollution of surface and groundwater due to leaching from polluted land-based solid wastes. The goal of this research is to figure out what happens when heavy metals interact with sandy and silty loam soils, and how that affects groundwater quality. As the sorption decreased in the order Mn> Fe> Ni > Cr> Zn> Cu> Pb> Cd. The leaching order should be reverse of it. As a result, Cd is less well held by soils than the other hazardous cations, and hence poses a greater risk of polluting groundwater due to its severe toxicity. The metals Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd were shown to be significantly more mobile than the other four. The retention of metals became weaker as the concentration of metals increased. This points to the probability of groundwater contamination as a result of land infill. As a result, at all polluted sites in Agra, they should be properly monitored. Metals are more sorbed on silty loam than on sandy loans because the former has higher organic matter, clay, monmorillonite contents, CEC and surface area. Because the majority of the soil in Agra is sandy loam, it is recommended that all wastes containing heavy metals be treated before being disposed of in loamy formations.
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