Developing a Robust Tool for Quality Health Assessment of Rivers Using Optimized Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Index Method: A Study on River Ganges at Varanasi in India
Health Assessment of River Ganga using WAWQI Method
Health, Pollution, River Ganga, WQI, WAWQI, Water QualityAbstract
Lack of real time data with its accurate interpretation constraints the success of various river pollution mitigation and restoration programs. Different Water Quality Index (WQI) have been used for assessment of quality health of rivers yet there are limitations to each protocol. The present work aims at optimizing and developing a clear and user-friendly methodology for Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Index (WAWQI) calculation taking River Ganga at Varanasi as case study. Fifteen sites along right and left banks of River Ganga were selected for the study. WQI indicate Gangetic water at Varanasi to be affected by higher coliform levels, altered pH and DO/BOD levels. Variations in WQI value for pre- and post-monsoon period indicate the significance of increased volume of water for mitigating pollution problems. The WAWQI values for water quality of River Ganga at Varanasi suggest site L14 on left bank and sites R10 and R11 on right bank as most polluted and unfit for drinking. The effect of dilution and the corresponding reduction in pollution correspond well with the optimized WAWQI values. It is thus recommended to use the optimized method of WAWQI calculation that essentially includes TC and BOD/DO in addition to all other water quality parameters for calculating WQI which may serve as a robust yet simple tool for assessing a comprehensive water quality and health of a river. Moreover, WAWQI based WQI shall be helpful in prioritizing areas for immediate management/policy actions towards restoration, rejuvenation and understanding of River Ganga ecosystem at Varanasi.
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