Investigation of the Effects of Pollution Caused by the Emission of Electromagnetic Waves on Human Health
Electromagnetic pollution, electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic field, ionizing radiation, non-verse and non-manufacturing radiationAbstract
Electromagnetic force, despite its useful efficiency and achievements, if not controlled and managed, is very dangerous for humans and will have irreversible effects that will remain even after thousands of years. Telecommunication devices such as mobile phones, cordless phones, VHF and SSB wireless and radar .... emit electromagnetic waves that when these waves collide with the living tissue of the body, cause changes in them that They endanger life.
Magnetic and electric fields are generated by power lines, electrical wires, and electrical equipment, and are the invisible power lines that exist around each device, and its power increases with increasing voltage. The electromagnetic field is generated by electrical appliances such as personal computers, televisions, refrigerators, etc., as well as high-voltage power lines. The electromagnetic field disrupts the nervous system and the growth and development and repair of cells, leading to unknown diseases such as cancers, brain tumors and infertility in humans. Therefore, people who are exposed to such fields frequently and for a long time, as well as people working in the electrical and telephone industries, TV repairmen and welders are more vulnerable. Therefore, we must create a suitable environment for work and activity by installing carcinogen control devices in the workplace and identifying the sources of electromagnetic radiation production, observing safety points in the workplace and, if possible, using equipment that has the least amount of electromagnetic waves.
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