A Review on Effect of Establishment Methods on Growth, Yield and Yield Attributes of Rice and on Succeeding Crops after Rice
Climate change, Direct seeded rice, Rice yield, Tillage, Water use efficiency, Yield attributes of riceAbstract
Rice is cultivated mainly by the transplanting in the puddled soil in the Asian region and in the Nepal. Puddling breakdown the soil structure and it requires more labor for transplanting, more water for field preparation and it emits more methane gas, which contributes global warming. To overcome these drawbacks, direct seeding of rice (DSR) is being popular among the farmers for the cultivation of rice. DSR had more water and labor use efficiencies and the maturity of the rice is also earlier as compared to transplanting methods. There is also increase in the intensification of crops, reduction in the global warming and the yield of succeeding crops after rice is also increased due to less soil destruction in the dry direct seeding of rice. The growth, yield and yield attributes of rice are also similar and better in DSR. So, DSR could be recommended for the cultivation of rice to increase labor and water use efficiencies, reduced global warming, increase the yield of succeeding crops and finally increase the profitability of the farmers.
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