Industrially Important Enzyme and Plant Growth Promoter Potential of Soil Actinomycetes
Soil, Actinobacteria, Enzyme, IAAAbstract
Enzymes and plant growth promoters have been found out to be the most widely used bacterial secondary metabolites, in industrial processes. Approximately, 10,000 bioactive metabolites which is 45% of the all bioactive microbial metabolites discovered, are produced by Actinobacteria. Therefore, they are considered as one of the most valuable microbial groups in biotechnology. In this study, the enzymes and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) production capability and efficiency of soil Actinomycetes were explored. The enzymes production capability of 16 soil Actinomycetes isolates was tested. The number of isolates produced amylase, protease, L-asparaginase, cellulase, and lipase were 16, 8, 16, 14, and onerespectively. IAA production capability of the 16 soil-Actinomycetes isolates wasdetermined both qualitatively and quantitatively. Ten isolates out of 16 produced IAA at the concentration range of 5-66.15 µg/mL. Conditions, such as L-tryptophan concentration, pH ofthe medium of IAA production, and time duration of the fermentation were optimized in order to enhance the IAA production performance of Actinomycetes.
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