Field Bio-Efficacy of Taba-G (Soil Nutrient Catalyzer) and Chemical Fertilizers on Morphological and Yield Contributing Characters in Soybean (Glycine max. L)
Soybean, Glycine max (L), TABA-G, soil nutrient catalyzer, soybean yieldAbstract
Soybean (Glycine max. L.) is an important crop worldwide because it has a wide of geographical adaptation, good nutritive value, functional health benefits and many end uses. Nutrient management is one of the most important factors in successful cultivation of plants. Bio fertilizers can affect the quality and quantity of crop. Hence, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of TABA-G on soybean yield. TABA-G @ 10.0 kg/ha alone and along with 100% and 75% Recommended Fertilizer Dose (RDF) were evaluated at Agharkar Research Institute's Farm Hol, Pune. Results obtained indicated that two applications of TABA-G @ 10 kg/ha as basal and 30DAS along with RDF significantly increase plant height (17.07%), number of branches/plant (33.60%), pods/plant (23.46%), seeds/pod (14.62%), harvest index (9.67%), 100 seed weight (4.91%), and yield by 16.88% over control and 9.60% over RDF. Likewise, TABA-G along with 75% RDF can also help to increase yield up to 13.03% over control and 5.99% over RDF. Therefore, we can save 25% fertilizer dose for soybean crop for getting yield up to RDF.
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