Control of Corn Silage Quality on Farms for Milk Production in Kalesija area and Influence Climate Conditions on the Quality and Yield of Corn Silage
silage, protein, cellulose, acidity, humidityAbstract
The goal of the research was to monitor the quality of corn silage on farms in the period from 2017. to 2019th year, and to compare the quality of silage by years of research.
The analysis of corn silage has been done at 20 farms in the municipality Kalesija.
The following parameters of corn silage quality were determined: acidity (pH), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (SC) and moisture content (SV).
The quality of corn silage varies much more in one year, by the farms, than by years of production, although the agro-climatic conditions for production were different in the years of production.
The medium value of CP by years of research is in 2017 - 6.94 %, 2018 - 6.82 % and in 2019th was 6.31 %. The low level of protein indicates a bad choice of hybrids for sowing and storing silage at a later stage of corn development.
The acidity (pH), the medium value by year of research is in 2017 - 3.81, in 2018 - 4.03 and in 2019 - 4.01. The acidity is in the limits of optimal values for corn silage.
The medium value of SC by years of research is in 2017th 31.69 %, 2018 - 31.9 % and in 2019 - 33.99 %. The high content of cellulose is an indicator of storing corn silage in later stage of corn maturation.
Moisture content, the medium value by years of the research is in 2017 - 68.48 %, 2018 - 68.75 % and in the 2019 - 68.43 %. The moisture content is within the optimum values for corn silage.
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