A Fuzzy Production Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Shortages
Deterioration, shortage, triangular fuzzy numbers (symmetric), defuzzification, signed distance method, graded mean integration methodAbstract
In this paper we have developed a supply chain production inventory model for deteriorating items with shortage under Fuzzy environment. The formulae for the optimal average system cost, stock level, backlog level and production cycle time are derived when the deterioration rate is very small. In reality it is seen that we cannot define all parameters precisely due to imprecision or uncertainty in the environment. So, we have defined the inventory parameter deterioration rate as triangular fuzzy numbers. The signed distance method and graded mean integration method have been used for defuzzification. Numerical examples are taken to illustrate the procedure of finding the optimal total inventory cost, stock level and backlog level. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to demonstrate the effects of changing parameter values on the optimal solution of the system.
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