Complexities in Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Agra: An Appraisal


  • Suneet Silas Associate Professor, Department of History, St. John’s College, Agra, INDIA


Industry, Apex Court, TTZ, history, pollution, Taj Garden


The city of Agra, renowned worldwide as the city of the Taj, is the abode of many of India’s most well-known architectural and historical marvels. With the advent of modern industry and urban expansion, these remnants of India’s rich heritage, are getting severely impacted. The rise of environmentalist awareness in India, as a reaction to the adverse effects of these polluting industries and increasing encroachment, also came to the rescue of India’s monuments, leading to the landmark establishment of the Taj Trapezium zone (TTZ). This paper attempts to provide a holistic picture of the measures taken hitherto with the establishment of the TTZ, its objectives, and the successes or misses of the intervening Government initiatives. The paper also aims to offer suggestions for further initiatives that need to be undertaken, in order to protect and preserve these monuments from the negative impact of pollution and encroachment.


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The Taj National Park, Agra, Environment Development Plan, Preliminary Report – Phase I, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, May, 1987.

Report of Expert Committee in Atmospheric Environmental Quality and Preservation of Taj Mahal and Agra Monument (Varadrajan committee) April 1995, vol., I.

Air Pollution by Industries in Taj Trapezium Zone (TTZ) Status, Problem, Solution, Report of the committee formed by the U.P. Government vide Order no. 970/18-13/51/Bha/94 dated 30-05-94 under chairmanship of Commissioner, Agra division (Tripathi Committee).

Ganga and Yamuna Action Plan, Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, 19-December-2011.

M. C. Mehta (Taj Trapezium Matter) V. Union of India and Others. SC. Dt. 30 December 1996,

M.C. Mehta V. Union of India and Others, SC, 31 August, 1999, First Draft Report of Taj Trapezium Zone-Uttar Pradesh Tourism.

Brief Industrial Profile of Agra District-Dc Msme 20Agra.pdf, May 2016.

Report of the Committee of Dr. S. K. Ghosh (Addl. Director, CPCB) and Dr. R. C. Trivedi (Sr. Scientist SPCB) in association of Sri Krishan Mahajan (Advocate Commissioner) in pursuance of the order of the SC of April 5, 2000, dt. July 11, 2000.

Affidavit of the Superintending Archaeologist, Agra Circle, in the SC on the report submitted by Shri Krishan Mahajan, 20.02.1996.

Affidavit in WP(C) no. 13381/84 filed in the SC by Dy. Superintending Archaeological Chemist, Oct. 14, 2000 in response to the Report of the Advocate Commissioner, dt. 11.07.2000.




How to Cite

Dr. Suneet Silas. (2018). Complexities in Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Agra: An Appraisal. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 5(6), 37–40. Retrieved from