Assessment of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Sagar Tal in Budaun, U.P.
Sagar Tal, water quality, Physico-chemical parametersAbstract
Present work deals with the assessment of variations in physico-chemical parameters of Sagar Tal in Budaun, U.P., during July 2019 to June 2021. The location of this pond is at a distance of 2.5 km from Budaun Junction in the Nawada region at latitude 28.0512° N and longitude 79.1305° E. Analysis of various Physico-chemical parameters were performed using APHA standard methods for water analysis. The ranges of monthly mean values were obtained after analysis of water samples in triplicates, for air temperature (17.03-38.03°C), water temperature (18.03-38.97°C), transparency (10.00-26.00 cm), pH (8.00-9.80), dissolved oxygen (08.00-11.23 mg/l), free Carbon dioxide (0-8.0 mg/l), carbonate alkalinity (0-120 mg/l), bicarbonate alkalinity (29.48-117.93mg/l), chloride (9.98-16.66mg/l), calcium (44.11-107.47 mg/l), magnesium (21.95-67.71 mg/l) and total hardness (205.67-466 mg/l). The data were administered to various statistical analysis in order to explore the remarkable relationship among these parameters. A positive outcome of relationship of air temperature with water temperature (0.864), magnesium with both total hardness (0.915), dissolved oxygen was observed along with a negative relationship of water temperature and pH (-0.913).
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