Identifying Fusarium and Combinations in the Gibberella Fujikuroi Species Complex


  • Nitin Gawai Department Of Botany, Chitkara University , Chandigarh, Punjab, India
  • Atul Shire Department Of Botany, Chitkara University , Chandigarh, Punjab, India
  • Pragati Pawar Department Of Botany, Chitkara University , Chandigarh, Punjab, India


Salt Gibberella Fujikuroi Complex, Translation Clongation Factor 1 α and β-tubulin


Mango malformation, caused by Fusarium mangiferae, represents the most important floral disease of mango. The first symptoms of this disease were noticed in the beginning of 2005 in plantations at Sohar in the Eastern U.P. of India. The affected inflorescences were abnormally enlarged and branched with heavy and dried-out panicles. Based on morphology and DNA-sequence data fir the genes encoding translation elongation factor 1 α and β-tubulin, the pathogen associated with these symptoms was identified as F. mangiferae.


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How to Cite

Nitin Gawai, Atul Shire, & Pragati Pawar. (2015). Identifying Fusarium and Combinations in the Gibberella Fujikuroi Species Complex. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2(6), 10–12. Retrieved from