Study on Some Medicinal and Nutritional Plants of Turtuk Valley Ladakh India


  • Yadullah Hayder Department of Agriculture, Doon PG College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Dehradun, INDIA.


Yadullah Hayder


In Turtuk valley 50 species of plants were found to be used medicinal and nutritional. The study reveals that the villagers of remote area of baltistan in ancient time use medicinal plants for the treatment of many diseases. Eg. Joint pain, bone fracture, asthma, blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, dysentery headaches, toothaches etc. In addition, treatment for their livestock.


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How to Cite

Yadullah Hayder. (2021). Study on Some Medicinal and Nutritional Plants of Turtuk Valley Ladakh India. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 8(3), 243–255. Retrieved from


