An Assessment of Biocontrol of Charcoal Rot of Maize


  • Sushil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, K. K. P. G. College, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA



Charcoal, Rot


The current examination intended to distinguish obstruction in tip-top sunflower genotypes against charcoal decay for the assortment improvement program. Sixteen sunflower genotypes were chosen to check the illness seriousness of charcoal decay. It was uncovered that all the genotypes were powerless to charcoal decay infection. The genotype 14068 was profoundly defenceless against the infection with high decrease in yield; be that as it may, genotypes 14013, 14052, 14082 and 14095 were safe against the sickness dependent on rating scale and brought about the high return in the parched area of Bahawalpur. Safe genotypes should be chosen in the reproducing system to deliver new sunflower lines that are exceptionally safe against charcoal decay to take care of the truly expanding populace of the world.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S. . (2022). An Assessment of Biocontrol of Charcoal Rot of Maize. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 9(1), 94–97.